Friday, September 26, 2008

Wedding Ring

Finding The Perfect Wedding Ring

There is so much pressure when it comes to finding that perfect wedding ring? Having to look down at a ring that might or might not be on your hand, indented for the rest of your life. Wondering if you have made the right decision? More often women wonder if they made the right choice on the wedding ring caring less about whether they have made the right choice on the man. Should one go diamonds, platinum, pearl or cubic zirconia? Should one go single or get a wedding ring set? There are just so many options on the market that the list is endless.

Another big question is, how far should one go when it comes to prices? With many wedding rings costing more than a deposit on a car or in some cases more than the wedding itself, it’s hard to say what the limit is when it comes to prices. Considering that it is seen as an asset and can be of value, one should be able to splurge a little bit. But taking it too far will be when you bye a ring that does cost a lot and you are left in a huge debt. Many women use their wedding ring as a reflection of there financial status, the flashier the better.

To be able to show it off and make people envy them or believe that they are well off…I mean, what will people say, what will they think? So finding the perfect ring is very important. Some women on the other hand use their wedding ring as a way to show others that yes, they taken, they found someone, they not alone…ultimately that they were good enough to catch a man. A sort of in-your-face! Here it really does not matter, as long as they have the ring, whether it is perfect or form a lucky packet.

Wedding Ring Doubts

When in doubt on which wedding ring to choose here is some advice? Less is more! Too often women feel that the bigger the better….wrong! If you are going with a thin band its ok to have a big ‘rock’ that stands out but try not to layer it too much by getting a thin band with three other thin bands.

When going with a thick band, try smaller stones. While Platinum is very nice, it can be expensive so to substitute it go for white gold. It looks smart and it compliments any skin tone. Don’t put too much pressure on your wedding ring and remember the true meaning it should symbolize, which is love for your spouse.

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